Grand Ronde Surfers Retreat

This summer we had the honor of offering the first ever Grand Ronde Surfers Retreat on, August 25th, at Otter Rock, Oregon for descendants and members of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde in Oregon! 

We had a great turnout of nearly 20 participants, which was a sweet mix of kiddos and adults. After their hour-long drive from Grand Ronde to Otter Rock, everyone changed into wetsuits behind the Pura Vida Surf Shop and Cliffside Coffee and Sweets building in the Devil's Punchbowl State Natural area. Then we headed across the street and down the steep staircase to the beach, surfboards in tow.

Kids couldn't help but get right into the ocean when we reached the beach; their connection with the ocean was already evident.

We started off with an icebreaker game where everyone stood in a circle and said their name while making a movement with their bodies to express how they were feeling. After saying their name with a body movement the entire group mirrored their movement and name together. Always some good laughs with this one. 

Then we gathered around a classroom of surfboards and started our land lesson where we talked about wave ecology (where waves come from and how they are formed), wave anatomy (identifying the different parts of a wave), and how to flow with the ocean's currents instead of fighting against them. We went over as many tips on ways to be safe in the ocean as we could squeeze into just one day, then we got into the technique on how to ride waves on our surfboards. 

We emphasized that there are many different ways to surf a wave: it could be riding on our bellies, knees, feet, in a headstand, or the splits. It doesn't matter how one rides a wave; so long as the wave is taking us along with it, we are surfing. 

After teaching the different wave riding options, we practiced the different movements on our surfboards on the beach together a few times to lock in a muscle memory. Then we headed out into the ocean to try out our new skills.

The water temperature was an initial shock to most participants, at a whopping 55 degrees, but after a few paddles, and focusing on the waves, they acclimated. The families took to it with ease. Their faces alight with smiles, confidence building after each ride, everyone feeling alive and exhilarated. There was a very special connection the Grand Ronde community made with the ocean that day, and with each other.

After surfing we returned to the beach, gathered around to hear about each student's experience, came in for our All Are We "Nalu" cheer, bringing fingertips to fingertips to take a moment to recognize the connection we all now share; the ocean and surfing. 

Thanks to our 15+ volunteers who traveled from far and wide to offer their big hearts in support of this event! From Colorado, Texas, Kansas, and different places in the state of Oregon, it was incredible to see the outpouring of support for our Indigenous Community!

We are entirely grateful to have had this opportunity to share the gift of surfing with the community of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, and it is in great thanks to these sponsors: 

Grand Ronde’s Youth Empowerment and Prevention Program 

Oregon Coast Visitors Association

Pacific Lifestyle Homes

We would also like to thank Rebecah Lutz with Cliffside Coffee and Sweets who allowed us to set up our retreat base in her parking lot the last two years, and for baking the best cookies for us to enjoy after a good surfing session!

Mahalo to Uncle Robert Rube, at Pura Vida Surf Shop in Otter Rock, for connecting all the dots for us to host this event and others in the past. We’re grateful for your partnership, for the deals on rentals, and for helping make sure these communities continue to have access to surfing!

Thanks to all who donated to our little non profit this year that helped us bring opportunities to Native families in the Pacific Northwest so they can learn and excel at surfing!

From all of us at All Are We Water Collective, Thank you!